In Memory of Bailey Pearl
We lost Bailey Pearl to cancer on June 8, 2016. I miss my little Pussy Cakes. When we sit down in the evening to watch a little television before bed, my lap feels abandoned. No little sprawled out bundle of snore. No warm head on my shoulder at night snoring and spitting in my ear. No more stink eye and paw drops. Gone are the days of climbing in “The Big Dog Chair” when his Feller sits on the floor. And the Frenchie yodel, oh how I miss that yodel. The potty bells are off the door for now my sweet little bell ringer. We will always love you and we miss you terribly Bailey Shellelagh Snarky Malarky Pussy Cakes Pearlsy Whirlsy Woo Woo. Life in the Trent household will never be the same.
Pam Trent