In Memory of Vinny
When we adopted Vinny in April of 2007, we knew we were going to be sharing our lives with someone special, but we had no idea just how special he was. He was perfectly house trained, and NEVER had any issues until his last couple of years. Vinny never bothered anything, not shoes, not trash, not furniture or clothing. We even had his box of dog biscuits on the kitchen floor, and he never got into them. He knew his toys, and nothing else seemed to interest him. Less than a year into our time together, we moved to Virginia Beach. He and I became beach bums when the weather was not too hot for his short nose. He terrorized the sand crabs, but never managed to catch one (probably for the best). Back in Ohio for the past several years, his favorite pastime was to sit on the patio with us, or to roll down the hill on the fresh grass, or to play keep-away with his Frisbee. Following many years of progressively deteriorating hips, Vinny left us on 2/26/2018. His loss has left us absolutely heart-broken, but our lives are so much richer for having shared them with him. Now he’s got new wheels all around, and runs across green fields and sandy beaches as he did up until six or so years ago. Squirrels, rabbits, doves and sand crabs beware!