- Date Posted :02-25-2023
- Location:GA
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About Ghost
As it turns out, there is more to this ghost story than meets the eye. Ghost’s eye (pupil) was noted to be non-reactive to light so he underwent an MRI of his brain and spine and has been diagnosed with Autoimmune Meningitis; surgery is not necessary at this time. However, severe inflammation is causing the damage to Ghost’s nervous system resulting in his immobility. He has been started on prednisone to combat the inflammation and the vet is cautiously optimistic for front-end improvement. There are varying degrees of recovery with this condition so if he responds well to the treatment, improvement should be noticed within the first couple weeks. Keep your fingers and paws crossed for the little fella.
At only 13 pounds, and an estimated 1-2 years old, Ghost is severely underweight; but he has already started on a great nutrition plan and is in the best hands with an experienced, loving foster home.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to his care thus far! If this is your first time meeting him, there is hopefully much more to his journey where donations will be needed. As he recovers (we are thinking positively!), he will start physical therapy and be fitted for a cart. This kid is friendlier than even Casper and deserves all the help he can get. If you would like to make a donation for his ongoing care, click on the link above. As his story develops, know he is being endlessly spoiled by his work-from-home foster mom and is never alone. We hope you can feel his fighting spirit through your screens.
Donation to FBRN – For Ghost
I hope you will be up and around soon Ghost
For Ghost, hang in there little buddy
For Ghost. Your story broke my heart. I’m so happy you’re finally receiving the love & care that you so deserve. Hang in there!