- Date Posted :07-07-2021
- Location:NJ
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About Lawrence
Update On 11-27-2021
After a valiant, but unsuccessful fight to heal, we’re heartbroken to report that Lawrence has crossed the rainbow bridge. After months of not showing any progress post-op, it was determined that he had an underlying metabolic condition that was preventing him from healing and rebuilding bone properly. We sought some more extensive options, and despite coming up with a plan, Lawrence suddenly and rapidly began to decline. He made the difficult decision for us and foster mom, and was helped to cross the rainbow bridge on September 13th, 2021.
Sometimes sequels are better than the original (think The Dark Knight or Terminator 2: Judgment Day). Well, we’re here to tell you that former grad Lawrence’s return to the FBRN family will be better than the first! After being adopted in 2017, Lawrence was recently surrendered by his adoptive family for not getting along with his human siblings. This time around, we’re sure he’ll find the perfect fit.
This beautiful 8-year-old nugget is an expert snuggler who thrives on spending time with his adult humans. He arrived with an allergy flare up so his foster mom is carefully adjusting his diet and medication regimen. That should have him back in tip-top shape in no time! In addition to his skin and ear itchies, Lawrence has chronic dry eye and an eye injury for which he is getting antibiotic drops. In addition to the usual intake vet visit, sweet Lawrence will also be visiting the doggy eye specialist very soon.
Growing older doesn’t come cheap and sweet Lawrence’s retirement account is empty so if you would like to become a donor, please click on his link. And follow his journey as he ends up on America’s Most Wanted…for stealing hearts!
Hi Lawerence. You rest up and get better and I pray FBRN will find you a loving home soon.
Sending love and best wishes!
Donation to FBRN – For Lawrence
Sending love over the rainbow bridge to Lawrence. I know he no longer needs a donation, but this can be given to another Frenchie in need in his honor.