Covis-19 Guidelines

Dear volunteers and supporters,

In light of the evolving stay at home orders resulting from COVID-19 FBRN’s Board held an emergency meeting to discuss the issues of adoptions and adoption transfers.

We had to consider that approximately half of the states have statewide or local stay at home orders in place. These mandates limit the ability of individuals to leave their homes only if they are essential employees or to go to businesses such as doctors, grocery stores, and pharmacies. As much as we love our furry and snorty companions, travel for the purpose of adopting a dog does not fall under the definition of essential. Therefore, for the safety of volunteers and applicants, FBRN will comply with all stay at home orders, whether city, county, state, or national.
After lengthy discussions, the Board made the following decisions concerning adoptions:

1. Dogs will continue to go available and we will continue to receive and review applications for available dogs as they come in;

2. If either party to the adoption (foster home or adopter) resides in an area that is affected by a stay at home order, transfer of the dog will be placed on hold until the stay at home order is lifted;

3.  Adopters will continue to be notified they have been chosen as forever homes but that the transfer will have to be placed on hold until both parties are free to resume non-essential outings;

4. FBRN will wait to send the adoption contracts and request/ for adoption fees. These will be sent when the applicable stay at home orders have been lifted;

5. Approved adoptions that fall under this category will have a special banner placed on the dog’s available bio.

The health and safety of our volunteers and supporters is of the utmost importance to us. These decisions were not taken lightly and we will adjust to the situation as it allows. On behalf of the FBRN Board, we are grateful for your understanding, patience, and continued support during these trying times.

 Andy López  
Vice-President French Bulldog Rescue Network